Randy’s Seven Toes

Pastor Randy’s

Top Seven Toes Wish List


  1. We need 6-8 young (age 21 to 75) men and women to work with our youth director, Jess, providing adult leadership for the youth group. Qualifications: love God/love kids; willingness to commit 2 hours on a Wednesday evening, or possibly another day, 2 or 3 times a year.


  1. We need 20 or so adults (age 21 to 101) to each mentor a confirmation student. Qualifications: love God/ love kids; willingness to commit to a total of at least 4 hours to a youth in the next 7-8 months.


  1. We need 4-6 parents of elementary youth to serve on a new Elementary Youth Experience (EYE) Contact Team. Duties: help plan and lead once-a-month activities for Elementary youth and their families.  [i.e.: swimming party, hay ride, campfire, etc.]  Qualifications: be a parent, love God/love kids; willingness to commit to 4-10 hrs./year


  1. We need 4-6 people (20 to 40 something) to help develop and lead a Koinonia Group (fellowship activities for 20 to 40 something year-olds). Duties: help plan and lead an activity each month.  Qualifications: love God/love others; willingness to commit 1-6 hours a month.


  1. We need 6-12 people (14 to 104 years old) to help plan, prepare, and craft, build, or bake 12 projects (such as a Christmas Ornament, a simple wooden Christmas gift, or a baked Christmas item) for the New Life Parish’s Advent Workshop (for kids of the area) which will be happening in early to mid December. Qualifications: love God/love others; a spark of creativity, a willingness to commit 2-8 hours over the next 3 ½ months.


  1. We would love to put together a crew of 6-12 people [for an adult mission trip] to head south (possibly to Louisiana) this coming January or February to spend a week working on a Habitat for Humanity house build. Qualifications: love God/love others; ability to       do physical labor (swing a hammer, paint walls, may be sheetrock or mudding walls, etc.), willingness to  commit 7-9 days (2-4 days for travel, 5 days of labor).


  1. We would love to have 4-6 people (adults) to organize a Salt Shakers Ministry. What is a Salt Shakers Ministry?  It is where an individual or couple invites over 4-8 people (some familiar to them, some not so much) for a meal and fellowship.  The guests are invited to host a meal sometime later.  It is that simple.  Qualifications: love God/love others; a home and willingness to host others.