Youth Group
February Service

Bring your nerf toys (Jess will have lots of extra) and a snack to share. We will begin the night with some highs/lows and ground rules and then it will get crazy! We will meet following confirmation from 6:30-7:30, all students 6-12 grade welcome, invite friends!
Winter Kits
Pack on February 23rd
Pack on February 23rd
Following Worship

This month we will be collecting, hats, gloves, socks, hygiene items, hand warmers, and non perishable snacks, to make winter kits to donate to a local shelter. Donations can be left at the Church outside the youth office or with staff.
Links to forms, surveys, sign ups, etc!
Survey for Events and Activities
2024 -2025
2024 -2025
Confirmation Class Meal Sign-Up
Lenten Meal sign up coming SOON!
Where can you find more updates?